April 2013

On April Fools day we were out doing an inspection on Wave Glider Thebe as well testing cell reception on WG Callisto when a lone whale approached May Maru from the rear, dove under the boat and came up on each side of the vessel. It dove for ~17 minutes right by the boat, we immediately started hearing a very loud song, much closer than previous streaming. As we proceeded with our operations, it followed us around swimming by the boat and then diving, each time we could hear the song ever so present. We recorded the song, the whale was ~.36nm from WG Thebe. Could it have been a lonely male whale looking for a female or another male companion? The whales have been heading back up North for a few weeks now. We called the presumed male the Lone Ranger. The audio is 5min 21s, towards the last 1.5min we may be hearing sounds the whale makes just before surfacing. The entire 5:21 audio is very interesting. Movie just repeats itself showing the whale coming near the boat on all sides and fluking.

Click here for movie and audio.

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