

Exciting News!

We have some very exciting news! On Dec 15th Jupiter launched Europa on another HUMPACS mission to explore the deep ocean basin between Hawai’i and the Revillagigedo Archipelago off Mexico. In the 2018 HUMPACS mission Europa went east of the Big Island and then veered northeast once midway across the ocean. This time we’re sending Europa to where we last heard whales in 2018 then straight across to Isla Clarion, Mexico.

Europa looking over the horizon to Mexico!

Europa looking over the horizon to Mexico!

Europa ready for her next adventure!

Europa ready for her next adventure!

Jupiter is again partnering with Dr. Jim Darling from Whale Trust and will be collaborating with Jorge Urbán Ramírez from PRIMMA/UABCS, México. Our hope is that this mission will help us fill in some pieces of the puzzle such as: were the humpbacks we detected in 2018 an aberration; is there an actual migration between Hawai’i and Mexico; or is there an offshore assembly of whales; and what are the outer boundaries are of humpbacks in relationship to their nearshore Hawai’i and Mexico breeding grounds?

Map showing Europa’s course to Isla Clarion, Mexico, with a bow north out to where humpback whales were heard in 2018. One- way to Mexico is approximately 2250 NM.

Map showing Europa’s course to Isla Clarion, Mexico, with a bow north out to where humpback whales were heard in 2018.

One- way to Mexico is approximately 2250 NM.

And to top it off, last night as Europa was rounding South Point, Halema’uma’u erupted again. What a sendoff for Europa. Most people just do fireworks!

Europa’s course to date as she rounded South Point just as Halema’uma’u erupted

Europa’s course to date as she rounded South Point just as Halema’uma’u erupted

More to come in the New Year!





For a look back at Europa's prior journeys, check out our MAP and the Sea Surface Temperature (SST).


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